We all have an innate desire for belonging. It is an important part of the human experience. Here at Heritage Christian Fellowship, we choose to utilize church membership as a means by which belonging is achieved. We want to help you figure out if Heritage is where you want to belong.
Want To Know More About Membership At Heritage?
Heritage offers Membership Classes several times a year. We would love to have you join a small group of us to learn more about Membership. It is an informal time to discuss our church’s conviction for having membership in our local church context.
Membership Classes are led and facilitated by one of our pastors or elders. They typically last 2.5 hrs and are held on a Sunday after church at the Hub. It’s a time to get to know the church, and be known by the church.

Membership Class
Offered Three Times A Year
Please join us for our next membership class by clicking the link and completing the registration so we can effectively prepare for your attendance and participation.
What does it Take to Become a Member?
To become a Covenant Member at Heritage Christian Fellowship you must:
- Be a baptized follower of Christ
- Attend Heritage for a minimum of six months
- Read and agree to the Membership Covenant as well as the Heritage Mission and Core Values statement
- Attend a Heritage Membership class
- Meet with an elder (if desired)
Baptism (A Prerequisite For Membership)
Baptism is intended only for those who have professed faith in Jesus Christ and can give sufficient testimony to the basics of Christian beliefs. We baptize by immersion because it is not only the original significance of the word but also best symbolizes the reality to which baptism points—our death and resurrection in Christ.
If you have not been baptized following salvation, we ask you to take this step before becoming a member. To help prepare you, we offer one-on-one meetings with a pastor or staff member to explain the biblical significance of baptism, hear your testimony, and celebrate what God is doing in your life.

Baptism Class
Offered Two Times A Year (Or As Needed)
Baptism is your opportunity to publicly declare your faith and commitment to following Jesus. If you believe baptism is the next step on your faith journey, we would love to meet with you.
What are the Benefits of Membership?
When a Christian commits to a local body of believers such as Heritage, he/she submits all they have to Jesus’ lordship. This is an important commitment and a vital step in the life of a believer.
Being a Covenant Member at Heritage Christian Fellowship assures you that there is someone who cares enough to see you as you are and counsel you with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Covenant Membership fosters a genuine relationship by which you are known, loved, cared for, and prayed over. Mutual growth into the image of Christ is fostered through speaking truth in grace, love, and encouragement
All Covenant Members are encouraged to remain informed as to the health and function of the Local Church and to ask questions that arise out of participating in church functions and teachings. Leadership seeks input from Covenant Members and expects to be accountable to them at all levels including Biblical instruction and fiscal responsibility. Regular communication with Covenant Members fosters transparent accountability. This helps create opportunity for mutual communication that unites us in corporate vision and direction.
What If I Have Questions?
We recommend you start with the Heritage Membership Class. It’s the most thorough and provides the opportunity for you to hear directly from our Leadership.
You are always welcome to contact the Elders to answer any questions you might have regarding Covenant Membership at Heritage. They can be reached by email at elders@heritagefellowship.net.